Seismic Certification

Comprehensive & Cost-Effective

Seismic Certification

SC Solutions’ staff have experience with a variety of seismic qualification projects and can assist you with any seismic certification project you have. Seismic qualification can be accomplished through testing, analysis, experience data, or a combination thereof. SC Solutions can provide seismic qualification under any code required for your project.

Certificate of Compliance

Receive more than a test report, request an SC Seismic Certificate of Compliance to accompany your test reports and turn in submittals with the confidence that a certificate will reduce misunderstandings from the reviewing engineers.

An SC Seismic Certificate of Compliance documents the intelligent determination that a product meets the requirements for the particular project. We review all previous testing completed, recommend new testing or calculations where needed, and fill in the gaps if necessary. The certificate shows the product, size and type, is qualified and meets the seismic requirements of the project. Along with a full product listing, the certificate also provides the specifying engineer proof of testing and/or calculation.

SC Solutions’ Seismic Certification Methods

SC Solutions provides cost-effective and comprehensive seismic certification by utilizing multiple paths to seismic certification and providing certification under any code needed by our clients.

Shake Table Testing

The most realistic way to determine if a component will withstand an earthquake and remain functional is to put it through one. In accordance with the code, active or energized components are required to be certified exclusively through shake table testing or experience data. SC Solutions maintains a network of partner and affiliate shake table testing labs throughout the US to serve our clients’ needs and schedules. These testing locations reflect the variety of types of shake tables appropriate for use in a seismic certification program.


Analysis can always be used as a part of a well-structured seismic certification program to reduce potential testing requirements or cover unique mounting configurations. For systems without active parts (e.g., tanks), analysis is used as the sole basis of certification. On large systems comprising active sub-components, analysis can be used to develop seismic demands on sub-components for shake table testing. SC Solutions regularly performs seismic analysis and design in accordance with code provisions for seismic certification and unique mounting arrangements. Additionally, analysis and structural design is used prior to testing to increase the likelihood of successful testing and certification.

Experience Data

Past performance of equipment can be used as a cost-effective means to provide seismic certification of nonstructural components. Experience data certification is allowed in accordance with the International Building Code and ASCE 7 Section 13.2.6 and is also used extensively in the nuclear industry in accordance with NRC Regulatory Guide 1.100. Experience data certifications can be based on consideration of past earthquake performance of a piece of equipment or be conducted by considering past shake table testing of other similar systems or sub-components.

Code & Standards

SC Solutions can provide seismic certification under any code required for your project. Commonly used codes and standards include the International Building Code (IBC), the California Department of Health Care Access and Information (formerly OSHPD) Special Seismic Certification Preapproval (HCAI OSP), IEEE 693, and IEEE 344.

Accelerate & Simplify Your Product or Project Certification!

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